Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ch.5- Researching and Evaluating Internet Information

Focus Question: How can teachers and students thoughtfully evaluate online information resources, including the online encyclopedia Wikipedia?
The web has different types of information problems, including Wikipedia which is used for evaluating the quality of information on the web. High quality information meets the five criteria: accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage. This criteria involves paying attention to URL extensions, discussing cognitive load, using lesson plans site selectivity, and giving clear Web research guidelines.

Tech Tool Link:  Building a Pipe on Yahoo

To build a pipe is free and you can combine different feed types and create data machups. You can also use the website to publish and run your own online projects and your web services.

Summary and Conclusion: In this chapter, Students and teachers learn how evaluate the online information in-depth in order to make it a safe and trustworthy environment for research. Moreover, it features a new lesson plan where new strategies are used for teaching any online information to students who need to be informed about the latest societal problems. I consider this chapter a key one for learning how to manage what you browse on the web.

1 comment:

  1. What would you build on Yahoo pipes? What kind of mash up interests you and know might that be used in education? You have hit in some important concepts but you will want to go deeper in the ones that we have not covered specifically in class for future postings, please! Nice embedded video. :)
