They are innovative and engaging Web teaching methods that can be used for all ages. WebQuests are virtual pathways where students select a group of preselected websitesin order to explore some educational topics by accessing online visual information. Virtual field trips allows the faculty and students of the school to visit places around the world with a academis purpose.
Tech Tool Link: The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-D'Arc
Summary and Conclusion: There are certain curriculums and policies that teachers need to follow in a state in order to prepare and teach their lessons to students. By managing their information online, teachers can apply the proper curriculum and be able to engage the students in their teaching. This information is being managed through educational websites, in which in this chapter they are examined with the purpose of always providing the students with the proper education.
Great selection of a tech tool - virtual field trips are pretty awesome, especially when student can't realistically be there in 'real life'.